Be Warned - Social Media / Technology Use Is Risky

Social media use has become a fixture in our society over the past several years. As a result, it has often drawn the curiosity of insurance companies who are investigating claims. In order to protect our clients, we strongly caution them against the use of any social media platform while their claim is open.

You should be mindful of the information that you share or post on social media. Information found on social media websites is permanent and public. Anything that is posted or shared can be obtained by the defendants and used against you in a legal setting. Additionally, any information that you share with others verbally, in writing, or even posted online could lead to the loss of attorney-client privilege if that information relates in any way to your legal matter.

In addition, you should not attempt to delete any of your social media accounts in an attempt to avoid having anything posted used against you. If you delete the account, this action can lead to serious consequences such as sanctions for destroying potentially relevant evidence.

You should not communicate with your lawyer on any device provided by your employer or any computer, smart phone, or other device that is shared with anyone else. You also should not use your work email address or a shared email account. Use of a private email account that is password protected and only accessed from a personal smart phone or computer is the best practice.

We make these recommendations because they are in the best interest of our clients. If you have been injured and have questions about any aspect of your claim, please call Mensman Law at 225-293-9720 and let us help you.

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